Did your flight not depart on time? Here is what you should do in the event of delays.
It is finally time to go on holiday. Happy, with your suitcases ready, you turn up at the airport on time, but the departure board shows that your flight is late!
Sometimes, it is a matter of waiting half an hour and thus it is not worth getting upset about it, other times, the wait can last for hours, interfering with your plans and causing you great inconvenience.
At Albastar we work to ensure you a pleasant flight experience without hitches, but despite our commitment, on occasions planes do not take off at the scheduled time.
In the event of prolonged delays, Albastar refers to Regulation 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council protecting passengers travelling in the European Union or with intra-Community airlines. This document establishes common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers.
Notwithstanding the rules, there are exceptions in which this regulation, which is part of the Charter of passengers’ rights, is not applicable, namely:
- if the flight is delayed by less than three hours
- if flights are operated by non-EU airlines or departing from a non-EU country and arriving at an EU airport
- if you travel for free or at a reduced rate
- if the plane’s delay is caused by extraordinary circumstances that are not attributable to our company, such as adverse weather conditions, problems with flight safety or strikes that compromise a carrier’s service, restrictions to airport traffic (Air Traffic Control)
And if regrettably you are forced to wait more than three hours?
Please remember that you are entitled to our special assistance, namely:
- meals and beverages based on how long you have to wait. In this case, the carrier’s obligation to provide assistance starts once the delay exceeds two hours
- an overnight stay in a hotel if the delay exceeds 8 hours
- transfer from the airport to the hotel and vice versa
Have you experienced a delay of more than three hours that was not attributable to exceptional causes?
Do you wish to request compensation for your delayed flight? This is what you should do.
The amount of monetary compensation depends on the length of the air route travelled. But let us go into detail to be clear and leave no room for doubt.
When your delay exceeds three hours, you can request compensation, unless the company demonstrates that the delay was caused by exceptional circumstances, for an amount calculated according to the distance to be travelled.
- €250.00 for flight route distances of less than or equal to 1500 kilometres
- €400.00 for intra-EU flight routes with distances between 1500-35000 kilometres
- €600.00 for flight route distances exceeding 3500 km
These figures may be halved if you are offered the opportunity to arrive at your destination with an alternative flight and if the arrival time does not exceed the expected time of the originally booked flight by:
- two hours, for all flight routes of 1500 km or less
- three hours, for all intra-EU flight routes over 1500 km and for all other flight routes between 1500 and 3500 km
- four hours, for flights that do not fall into the two previous cases
Have you decided to send your complaints to Albastar?
Many passengers still do not know their rights, but remember you are given plenty of time to make a claim. In fact, you can submit your claim within two years of the flight date. It is not difficult to make a complaint if you follow our instructions.
You can send your complaint:
- in writing by registered letter addressed to Albastar Customer Service in Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Av. Conde de Sallent 23, 5A, 07003
- by completing the appropriate form on our website
Se hai acquistato il biglietto online puoi segnalare i tuoi reclami anche presso la piattaforma di risoluzione online (ODR) alla quale puoi accedere cliccando qui.
Per permetterci di gestire la pratica velocemente, ti chiediamo la massima collaborazione, comunicandoci gentilmente un indirizzo email e un numero telefonico dove poterti contattare e di fornirci la seguente documentazione:
If you purchased your ticket online, you can also report your complaints to the online dispute resolution (ODR) platform, which you can access by clicking here.
To enable us to manage the matter quickly, we ask for your full collaboration and for you to kindly provide us with an email address and a telephone number where we can contact you. We also ask you to provide us with the following documentation:
- Copy of your boarding card; if you no longer have this, a copy of the flight ticket
- Copy of your identity document
This is what we at Albastar do in the event of delays
Tutelare i tuoi diritti e risolvere le problematiche che ci hai segnalato entro sei settimane dal reclamo è anche nostro interesse: siamo consapevoli che la tua soddisfazione è fondamentale perché tu possa continuare a considerarci una compagnia aerea affidabile ed efficiente.
Nella massima trasparenza, ti facciamo presente che se entro questo periodo ci arriveranno reclami da claim agencies, legali, procuratori o altri tuoi rappresentanti, non verrà corrisposta alcuna somma per coprire le relative spese legali, che restano a tuo esclusivo carico e ti informiamo che non accettiamo la cessione di crediti a terze parti
Eventuali rimborsi o indennizzi che ti riconosceremo saranno direttamente versati sul tuo conto corrente per garantirti la migliore tutela.
It is also in our interest to protect your rights and resolve the problems you report to us within six weeks of your complaint: we appreciate that your satisfaction is fundamental for you to continue to consider us a reliable and efficient airline.
For the sake of transparency, we would like to specify that, if within this period, we receive claims from claim agencies, lawyers, attorneys or other parties representing you, no sum will be paid to cover any related legal expenses, which remain your sole responsibility. We would also like to inform you that we will not transfer credits to third parties.
Any reimbursements or compensation due to you will be paid directly into your current account to afford you the best protection.
This is why dealing with Albastar directly in relation to any delays is the safest and fastest solution.
Is our airline’s policy on complaints clear? Do you need us to clarify something? Contact our Call Center now.