Albastar announces the start of direct flights to Palma de Mallorca from Milan Linate
Palma de Mallorca, 19.05.21 - Albastar anuncia la programación para la temporada de verano 2021 de un vuelo con frecuencia trisemanal con destino Milán Linate con salida desde el aeropuerto
Three new Albastar routes from Cuneo airport: flights to Palma de Mallorca, Menorca and Lampedusa
Tre nuovi collegamenti dall’Aeroporto di Cuneo con Albastar. La compagnia aerea spagnola, infatti, dal prossimo 27 luglio aprirà due rotte inedite verso la Spagna con destinazione Palma di Maiorca e
Jennifer Tour Intl. e Albastar annunciano il volo diretto a/r Roma – Ouaga
Jennifer Tour, in collaborazione con la compagnia aerea Albastar e That Aviation Italia, annunciano una serie di collegamenti aerei diretti tra Roma e Ouagadougou a partire dal prossimo 25 giugno,
Today we introduce Maura Coppino, Albastar flight attendant
today we introduce you to Maura, our flight attendant. She is brilliantly able to combine the flight activity with a family of three daughters!
Albastar posticipa i collegamenti onerati della continuità territoriale in partenza da Trapani Birgi per Brindisi, Napoli, Parma.
Albastar informa di aver ricevuto dall’ Ente Nazionale per l'Aviazione Civile (ENAC) la comunicazione che prevede l’inizio posticipato al 1 dicembre 2020 dei collegamenti onerati da Trapani Birgi per Brindisi,
Albastar raddoppia le rotte tra Cuneo e la Sicilia: nuovo volo su Comiso e riconferma per Trapani
Da dicembre 2020 a marzo 2021 ci saranno due collegamenti settimanali ogni giovedì e domenica.
Programmato nel pieno rispetto di tutte le normative sanitarie e gli standard di sicurezza, si tratta del primo pellegrinaggio verso Lourdes dopo il lockdown causato dall’emergenza Coronavirus.
Are you flying with Albastar and have mobility difficulties? Here is what you need to know about special boardings.
Can you fly with disabilities and have a trouble-free journey? Today you can, by choosing Albastar’s flights and our procedures for special boardings.
Travelling with children and medicines on board: here are the rules of our airline
When flying with children, you can carry medicines in your hand luggage and fly without worries. But what are the rules you need to follow to get through check-in and
Dogs and animals on planes: rules and useful information
All you need to know before setting off and to be ready to travel by plane with your dog, cat and Albastar!
Here are the rules on taking medicines on board in your hand luggage
Medicines on board - yes or no? Yes with Albastar! Because we guarantee worry-free travel. Here are the rules for carrying medicines in your luggage and getting through security checks
Has your flight been cancelled or did it arrive late? This is how to get a refund
Late or cancelled flight? If this is to happen, please be reassured that Albastar will try to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.