Here is where you can check-in with Albastar

Your suitcase is ready, the trip is organised, the sea-view hotel room is booked. Before taking off with Albastar, you have one last phase to go through, the check-in.
You can do the check-in online any time, by paying an additional cost, but only if you bought a ticket for a scheduled flight: from the comfort of your home, just enter your details, confirm your presence, print your boarding pass and you’re ready to go to the airport. When you purchase the online check-in service you can choose your seat on board. It is also possible to purchase extra baggage allowance online. Check-in at the airport is free of charge from any airport we serve.
Do you need further information? Check the section of the website dedicated to the check-in service with Albastar.
If you purchased a charter flight you must be at the airport in time to carry out the check-in process. In this case, check-in operations start two hours before the departure time and close 45 minutes before the scheduled time of departure.
Please note: if you arrive late, you may not be allowed to board and will not be entitled to reimbursement.
We imagine that you’ve planned your trip carefully and you’ve no doubt checked the validity of your documents and those needed to fly to your destination. Make sure you take them with you together with your ticket and go to Albastar’s check-in desk.
A suggestion, make sure that:
- your documents are in order and fulfil all the requirements required, otherwise any expenses or fee will exclusively be charged to you.
- the name of the passenger indicated on the ticket corresponds to the one on the identity document, otherwise our airline may deny boarding, and even in this case you are not entitled to a refund for the money spent.
Are you travelling with a minor? #FLYALBASTYLE
All unaccompanied minors who travel abroad must have a valid passport or equivalent travel document.
Check the Italian Police’s website if you need more information regarding the documents required on entry by the customs and immigration authorities of your destination.
Albastar’s rules are the same even for underage passengers: costs and fines will be charged to you if your identity card or passport are not valid and the documents required for entry into the country you are visiting, are not in order. Remember that Albastar may be forced to refuse boarding and will not be obliged to give you a refund.
Is everything clear? So, do you know where it is possible to do your check-in with Albastar? If you need further information, contact our Call Center.