The travel destination is very important when deciding which medicines to take on the plane: in Europe they can generally be transported without any problem, while in other countries access may be restricted by strict regulations.
On flights to international destinations, it is necessary for the passenger to carry a medical certificate in English proving that treatment is essential.
The prescription to carry medications on the plane must be less than one month old and must include:
- Name, surname and date of birth of the person using the medication,
- Name, surname, title, professional address and signature of the doctor,
- Medication data: common name (not the commercial name, which may be different abroad), quantity, concentration and dosage.
It is essential to carry the medications in the cabin luggage if they have to be taken during the flight. Liquid medications such as syrups and drops must be transported in containers with a maximum capacity of 100 ml.
Due to the low temperatures that exist in the aircraft hold, certain medications, such as insulin, must necessarily be transported in cabin luggage. Insulin pens do not require any medical documentation proving their indispensability.
Important: According to general airport security regulations, syringes cannot be transported in the cabin. If essential, the passenger can bring syringes on board if they provide a medical certificate and put them in a transparent plastic bag so they can be displayed during boarding.