When to check-in with Albastar?

Often travellers who contact the Albastar Call Center do so because they need check-in information. In fact, those who are not frequent flyers or who have not flown many times, ask us how, what and above all when to check-in?
So let us try to shed some light on this last point.
Check-in is the check carried out on each traveller before departure. What does it consist in?
Nothing complicated: at the airport, staff check that a passenger’s identity card or passport is in order and in a good condition and that the details listed on the flight ticket correspond with those shown in the document.
The first thing to check to avoid unpleasant incidents is to inform yourself if you have the documentation requested by the customs and immigration authorities of your destination country. We would like to remind you that all costs incurred from not having the necessary or valid documents are your responsibility only.
Everything is easier online and you save time!
If you have tickets for scheduled flights, you can check-in online conveniently using your PC or mobile phone, thus avoiding long waiting times at the airport during peak periods. With just a few clicks, enter your data and print your boarding card to show at the departure gate. You can also check in directly on our website without rushing a few days before your flight.
Please remember that if you have a suitcase to go in the hold, you will still have to go to our bag drop desk at the airport, hand over your suitcase and show your identification document and boarding card. If you only have hand luggage, you can go to straight to the security checkpoint.
If, on the other hand, you are flying on a charter flight, we recommend that you show up at the airport on time, especially during high season to complete all formalities well in advance. Check-in in fact opens two hours before the departure time of your flight and closes 45 minutes before the scheduled departure. In the unfortunate case that you arrive late, we wish to inform you that you may not be able to board your flight and that unfortunately you will not be entitled to a refund of your ticket.
What should you do when you arrive at the airport if you have not checked in online?
Go to departures, check the desk number for your flight on the display, then head to the correct Albastar counter where you will deposit your luggage exhibiting your documents; if there are no differences between your documents and your ticket, you will be given your boarding card. You should then go to the security checkpoint. Once you have passed this, you will be ready to go directly to the boarding gate.
Have we answered all your questions about when to check in with Albastar? Is there anything that is still not clear to you?
Contact our call center: travelling informed is always better!